Collaborative palletising applications play a significant role in the logistics sector by enhancing supply chain management and mitigating skills shortages. The benefits are plentiful, though a cohesive implementation plan and business case for automating must underpin any decisions to utilise robotics – don’t automate for the sake of automating! Here are some key benefits and considerations for implementing collaborative palletising into the supply chain:

Key Benefits:

  1. Increased Efficiency:
    Collaborative palletising robots can work alongside human workers, increasing overall efficiency in the palletising process, leading to faster and more accurate stacking of goods.
  2. Mitigation of Skills Shortages:
    As the demand for skilled labour in the logistics sector often outpaces supply, collaborative palletising robots help fill the gap by automating repetitive and physically demanding tasks, reducing the dependency on skilled human operators.
  3. 24/7 Operations:
    Robots do not need breaks or sleep, allowing for continuous and round-the-clock operations. This can significantly increase productivity and throughput in logistics operations.
  4. Error Reduction:
    Automated palletising reduces the risk of human errors in stacking and arranging goods. This can lead to improved accuracy in shipments and a decrease in the likelihood of damaged products during transport.
  5. Adaptability:
    Collaborative palletising robots can be easily reprogrammed or adapted to handle different types of products and packaging, providing greater flexibility and increased response times to changing market demands.
  6. Improved Workplace Safety:
    By taking on physically demanding and repetitive tasks, collaborative robots contribute to a safer working environment for human employees. This can reduce the risk of injuries associated with manual handling.
  7. Data Collection and Analytics:
    These systems often come equipped with sensors and data collection capabilities. This data can be analysed to optimise palletising processes, identify bottlenecks, and improve overall system performance.

Implementation Strategies:

  1. Assessment of Current Operations:
    Conduct a thorough analysis of existing palletising processes, identifying areas where collaborative robots can add the most value. Assess the types of products, volumes, and variations in packaging.
  2. Integration with Existing Systems:
    Ensure that collaborative palletising systems can seamlessly integrate with existing warehouse management systems (WMS) and other automation technologies in the supply chain.
  3. Employee Training:
    Provide training for employees to work alongside and understand how to collaborate with palletising robots. This can help in creating a harmonious working environment and maximising the benefits of automation. Some collaborative robots require little training, so a system can potentially be commissioned and be operational very quickly.
  4. Customisation and Flexibility:
    Choose collaborative palletising solutions that can be easily customised to handle different product types, sizes, and packaging variations. This flexibility is crucial in dynamic supply chain environments.
  5. ROI Analysis:
    Conduct a comprehensive return on investment (ROI) analysis to justify the initial investment in collaborative palletising. Consider factors such as labour cost savings, increased throughput, and error reduction, to support upscaling automation projects to further enhance service provisions.
  6. Regulatory Compliance:
    Ensure that the chosen solution complies with relevant safety and regulatory standards. This is crucial for both the safety of workers and adherence to industry regulations.
  7. Continuous Improvement:
    Implement a system for continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and optimising the collaborative palletising processes. Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement and efficiency gains.

Collaborative palletising applications offer tangible benefits in terms of efficiency, labour optimisation, and workplace safety. The successful implementation of these systems involves a strategic approach that considers current operations, employee training, system integration, and ongoing optimisation efforts, with the support of an experienced and proficient robot integrator.

The LBR iisy palletising system from KUKA is suited to a wide variety of applications across multiple sectors, enabling fast and precise palletising applications to be undertaken. See the system in action, here:

To find out more, or to speak to someone at KUKA about the LBR iisy collaborative palletising system, please drop us an email at : or call 0121 505 9970

To find out more about our collaborative robot range, please visit: