ABB’s five minute Productivity and Efficiency Appraisal can help manufacturers to quickly identify the potential for using robot-based automation. The new initiative is part of ABB’s ongoing drive to convince UK manufacturers about the proven business benefits that robots can deliver in a wide variety of industrial applications. It requires minimal up-front effort from participants, and is comprised of four simple steps.

Step 1: complete the five minute self assessment form – respondents are first asked to complete a quick self assessment form containing eight basic questions about their business. This form takes only five minutes to complete and is available online or as a printed document on request.

Step 2: return the form to ABB – once the complete form is returned, an ABB engineer will evaluate the suitability of robotic technology for application(s) and will get in touch to arrange the free, no-obligation automation appraisal site visit.

Step 3: free, no obligation automation appraisal – during the half-day appraisal site visit, the ABB engineer will assess any specific applications where robots could help deliver productivity and efficiency savings. The engineer will also assess existing conditions at the plant, and will ask the respondent a few questions about the current wastage levels and the amount of down-time currently incurred through maintenance, delays or cleaning.

Step 4: take the free steps to transforming your business – following the site visit, the ABB engineer will present the findings in a short report highlighting the main applications where robots could deliver the greatest savings and/or improvements. The report will also include return on investment (ROI) calculations showing both estimated savings over a five year period and details of the expected payback on investment, which can typically be recovered in just 18 months.

As a manufacturer and supplier of industrial robots, ABB and its accredited system integrator network can handle everything from planning and implementing a stand alone robot through to a complete robotic system.

ABB  T: 01908 350 300