Industry 4.0 is loosely defined as the computerisation of manufacturing and welcomes the exciting new concept of intelligent machinery. One crucial outcome of Industry 4.0 is reducing production time by integrating intelligence via a PC into the manufacturing process. ATM Automation are responding to this by giving intelligence to their systems through ATM’s control system with Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

ATM’s control systems are the heart of the BuildAssist range and are predominantly used within the Automotive, Medical and Plastics industries for a wide range of technologies including, assembly, clipping, vision, welding and bonding. This OEE software calculations refer to three factors: availability, performance and quality. 

These indicators are applicable using time range, production line, machine, shift, batch and operator filters. OEE gives clear and crucial information of company productivity which enables managers to establish means of improving production assets, machine efficiency, optimise production time and reduce waste. The ability to analyse production data to detect the bottlenecks and downtime events enables your company to take immediate action to reduce loss.

As an example, if OEE software was able to recover just a 2% loss, this would lead to retrieving 3.5 hours productivity time per week. On an annual basis, that’s 168 hours of productivity gained which translates to a significant increase in profit.

Based on a theoretical OEE value of 100%, the most efficient and high productivity company will generally reach an OEE value equal to 80-85%. Without using any control methods, most companies operate on average around 60%.